The Watchit tool and framework are versatile as both a continuous proactive monitoring tool and a service aid capable of collecting data and reproducing problems. Watchit工具和框架既可以作为持续前瞻性监控工具,又可以作为服务帮助使用,它能够收集数据并再现问题。
SIMM can also addresses service orientation adoption from an enterprise architecture perspective and aid the evolution of increasing business and IT flexibility over time. SIMM还能从企业架构角度处理面向服务的采用问题,帮助企业逐渐提高业务和IT灵活性。
This calls for a web service that can run on a local personal computer without the aid of a PHP translator ( or any other, for that matter). 它调用一个可以运行在本地个人电脑而不需要使用PHP翻译器(或其它相关技术)的WebServices。
WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus V6.1 has introduced two new ones to aid in construction of these scenarios. WebSphereEnterpriseServiceBusV6.1引入了两种新的上下文,以帮助构建这些场景。
China IP it law service is an invaluable aid to law firms and corporate counsel. 对于律师事务所和公司法律顾问,中国知识产权和信息技术法律服务。
Now, providing service and aid to others is the most meaningful and satisfying job I can imagine. 现在,为他人提供服务和帮助是我所能想象到的最有意义和最有满足感的工作。
But, this gives not only credit card service but also purchasing power in both local and foreign currency, an aid in getting around China's restrictive capital controls. 但这不仅能使信用卡服务,也能使本国货币和外汇购买力避开中国的资本控制有限这个弱点。
Poor countries have been deceived by expensive service exports wrapped up as aid. 穷国一直受到被包装成援助的昂贵服务出口的欺骗。
Module Design of Medical Service Information Management System in Division Aid Station 师救护所卫勤作业信息管理系统模块设计
To be sure, community service can aid re employment. 毫无疑问,社区服务能有助于再就业。
To reduce confusion and as a service to aid in the unambiguous identification of trials, the ICTRP Search Portal attempts to bridge ( group together) such multiple records about the same trial. 为了减少试验明确识别方面的混淆,并作为服务而提供帮助,ICTRP一站式检索入口尝试关联检索同一个试验的多个记录。
A legal aid service agency shall accept the assignments from a legal aid institution, and arrange its staff members to provide legal aid. 法律援助服务机构应当接受法律援助机构的指派,安排人员办理法律援助。
The one woman among'Ten Chinese Who Deeply Moved the African People '-Feng Ai, leader of the First Chinese Youth Volunteer Service& Aid Team for Ethiopia-sent a man to pick up her honor. “感动非洲的十位中国人”中唯一的女性是冯艾,她是首批中国援外青年志愿者赴埃塞俄比亚服务队队长。一位男士代冯艾领奖。
The forgiven debt service is a tiny percentage of the aid that flows into these countries each year. 在每年流向这些国家的援助中,减免的债务仅占很小比例。
Volunteer service is non-profit and unprofessional actions of aid without payment that anyone willingly distributes his own time, skill, resource or benevolence to neighbors, community or society. 志愿服务是指任何人自愿贡献自己的时光、技能、资源、善心,为邻居、社区、社会提供非盈利、无偿、非职业化支援的行为。
The study on prison law science should concentrates itself on its reality, objectivity and regularity while abandoning its former preferential tendency either as a political tool or as a service aid. 监狱法学的研究应当结束过去那种政治工具性、服务性倾向,转向自身现实性、客观性、规范性研究。
Probing into the new ways to agricultural technology extension service by the aid of the advantage of mass media. 六是借助大众传媒优势探索农技推广服务的新路子。
DW can strengthen internal management and surveillance, specialize the consulting service and aid manager to make decision. 数据仓库有助于证券公司加强企业内部管理与监控,使咨询服务更加专业化,同时还可以协助企业制定决策。
The state responsibility of legal aid is the legal service responsibility undertaken by the country which implements legal aid bearing for its national citizens under conditions prescribed by its own national legal aid statutes. 法律援助的国家责任,是实行法律援助的国家依照本国法律援助法规的规定应该对本国公民承担的法律服务责任。
In order to remain competitive, next-generation cable operators and service providers will need to differentiate their services to aid in building profitable and sustainable business models. 为了保持竞争优势,下一代的Cable运营商和服务提供商必须能根据他们的不同业务进行计费,从而建立起有利可图的、并能持续发展的商业运作模式。
It is an urgent task of establishing an information management system centered on database service aid, based on modern network communication technology, along with increasingly development of modern network communication technology. 随着现代网络通信技术的不断发展,尽快建立一个以数据库服务器为核心,现代网络通信技术为依托,覆盖长江水文站点的数据管理系统,是一项刻不容缓的任务。
Results The elderly knew little about home nursing care, but asked for providing services such as: day care, psychological consultation, volunteer service, agency and legal aid. 结果老年人对家庭护理服务的认识不足,但对家庭护理服务的需求较多,希望得到如日托服务、心理咨询、志愿者服务、家政服务、法律援助等社会支持性服务。
By carrying out formatting management pattern and enhancing the integer materials management level, the effect of guarantee, service and aid of materials management in construction production is full developed. 推行格式化管理模式,努力提高物资管理工作的整体水平,以达到充分发挥物资管理在施工生产中的保障、服务及助手作用。
Regarding poor groups in rural areas, should integrate the new cooperative medical service and the rural medical aid system, reduce the own burden medical costs of poor groups, alleviate the problem of poverty caused by disease. 对于农村困难人群,需将新型农村合作医疗制度与农村医疗救助制度相结合,减少困难人群自负医疗费用部分,缓解因病致贫及因病返贫问题。
Workers help and aid platform is the service system of setting up to coordinate all aid resources and meeting area demand for workers at different levels and efficient normal operation. 职工帮扶救助平台,是建立起协调各方救助资源、满足辖区内职工不同层次需求、高效规范运转的服务体系。
Today, university student voluntary field has covered environment protection, community service, large-scaled events and social aid and assistance, and is extending toward more specialized-demanding field. 大学生志愿者的服务领域已涵盖环境保护、社区服务、大型活动及社会援助等诸多方面,并且正向更专业化的领域扩展。
But the accompanying financial return, the service lag and lack of aid problem restricting the development of the company has become an important factor. 但随之而来的资金回笼、服务滞后及辅助手段匮乏的问题逐渐成为了制约公司发展的重要因素。
Voluntary service, with purpose and Idea of dedication, fraternity, mutual aid and progress, is an important way that citizens participate in social construction, service the needs of society, undertake social responsibility, and promote social harmony. 志愿服务秉承奉献、友爱、互助、进步的宗旨和理念,是公民参与社会建设、服务社会需求、承担社会责任、促进社会和谐的重要方式。
With the rapid development of the global services industry, the world economy has been in transition to a service-based economy, which makes the service trade, originally as an aid of traditional goods trade, to become the commanding heights of world economic development. 随着全球服务业的高速发展,世界经济正在向服务型经济转型,使得原本作为传统货物贸易辅助工具的服务贸易成为世界经济发展的制高点。
Field trip: questionnaires were used to collect data related to the need of health service of medical aid target in urban China; Semi-structural interview is adopted to interview related persons. 现场调查法:采用调查表形式收集与城市医疗救助对象卫生服务需求相关的数据;采用半结构访谈方式进行相关人员访谈。